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Dominique Ouattara satisfied with the progress of the work

The construction work of the Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville is being completed. The observation was made by Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, President of $ Children Of Africa Foundation, on Thursday, January 05, 2017, during a guided tour of the site of this sanitary establishment specially dedicated to the Mother-Child couple.

At the beginning of 2017, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara decided to give a boost to the work of the MCH site in Bingerville. Joining the act with the word, she went to the site, accompanied by Professor Séga Sangaré, Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA), members of the management team and architect Pierre Fakhoury. For nearly two hours, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara went through all the buildings to accommodate the various services of the hospital. Sometimes even giving her opinion to Mr Pierre Fakhoury, the architect of the MCH and to the various technicians for the improvement of the buildings. At the end of this guided tour, the initiator of the “Hôpital Mère-Enfant” expressed her satisfaction for the qualitative progress of the work. " I'm satisfied ! "She said to the architect and the technicians.

The MCH of Bingerville is built on 16,000 m2. It will open its doors to the populations at the end of this year.
M. Fenol Zanon Manuel, Directeur Général de TOVAMA, l’entreprise qui a remporté l’appel d’offre relatif à la construction du centre d’accueil de Soubré, a remercié Madame Dominique Ouattara pour la confiance qu’elle a accordée à son entreprise pour la réalisation de ce projet.
M. Adou Benié, architecte du cabinet A+A, a quant à lui, présenté le projet. La « Maison d’accueil » de Soubré accueillera 64 pensionnaires.